Saturday, January 4, 2014

Opening my eyes.

It's fun to come to a point in life where you realize that you alone are responsible for yourself.  When you don't pick yourself to pieces every time you find yourself alone.  When you don't worry as much about what other people think about your work as much as doing what you feel like will bring you happiness in life.  Growing older has it's ups and downs, but when I turned 24 last month I looked in the mirror and decided it wasn't so bad.

And it's not at all that I'm perfectly happy with myself - it's more that I look back on the disappointed girl I have been in the past and I'm just content with the fact that I've moved forward.

These days I don't loathe every quiet moment.  I don't crave the grandiose anymore.  In fact, these days the nights Levi and I decide to stay home, cuddle up and do nothing are often the ones I enjoy the most!  Life get's too crazy all on it's own without us filling silences and ruining every moment void of activity with more expectation and degradation of our own self-worth's.

I think everyone needs to decide at some point that they own their life.

For those of you that are just as hard on yourselves as I am, remember that owning your life means that you are responsible for the good things that happen just as much as the bad.  Stop beating yourself up and take a minute to appreciate the fact that you're still alive - and that alone is something to be proud of!



  1. sign me up next to take pictures with you at this spot....

  2. I'm responsible for the good things as well as the bad. What an awesome thought that in all my 52 years I have truly never realized. You're right my sweetie pie, and that thought is going to be my mantra for 2014. Thanks, love!
